
To help make this process as easy as possible for you during this time, please review the information below and follow the instructions that pertain to your family.

Thank you for expressing an interest in Georgia's waiting children. To obtain additional information about a child and/or be considered as an adoptive resource, you must have an approved home study.

For families who need to begin the adoption process: To start the home study process and/or receive additional information about becoming a foster or an adoptive parent in the state of Georgia, please call 1-877-210-KIDS (5437) or visit fostergeorgia.com. If you do not reside in Georgia, please contact a child placing agency in your local area.

For families who have begun the adoption process but do not yet have an approved home study: Once your home study is completed, it may be submitted for any child of interest who is available at that time.

For families who have a current, approved home study: Please email your completed home study to IMTNGA@dhs.ga.gov. Please be sure to indicate the child’s name/ID number in the subject line as well as in the body of the email and your worker’s complete contact information (name, agency, email address and phone number) in the body of the email. Upon receipt, it will be forwarded to the Georgia Adoption Exchange for review if the child is still available at that time. If you are selected as a potential adoptive resource, the child’s case manager will contact your worker to provide additional information.

Thank you for your understanding.


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